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Growing. Together.
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Do you have the feeling that there is more to life?


You want to get out of your head and the daily hamster wheel?


Do you sometimes feel stuck in your everyday life and your relationships?


Do you wish to experience encounters more intensely, more consciously and free of shame, guilt and fears?


Do you want to feel connected, held, belonging, part of a community, just being you?



That's what the group events are for. Because somehow, we all want the same thing.


You are welcome here. With EVERYTHING. Just being you is enough.



In community, we learn about ourselves and from eachother.

We experience, practice and enjoy together and support one another.


A joy shared is a joy doubled .

A pain shared is a pain halved.


Growing together makes us grow together.


Together we are more than the sum of each one!



What's the point?


> You are going to meet people who deal with topics similar to yours.


> You will experience that you are welcome as you are.


> You will develop more compassion for yourself and others.


> You get to know, accept and love yourself in all the aspects of your being.


> You will learn to recognize and communicate your own needs.


> You are going to find ways to deal with your feelings and to express them in a healthy way.


> You will be able to master the daily challenges with family and work with more ease.


> You are going to learn to deal easier with uncomfortable and unforeseen external circumstances.


> Overall, you will be less susceptible to stress, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, addictive behavior

   and immunodeficiency.


> You will feel more energy.



What happens?

The events last between a few hours and several days.


We start with getting to know each other and getting out of everyday life, into the moment and into the body. We meet in a circle and make arrangements for our time together. In this way, we create a space in which everyone can feel safe.


An event will always consist of different elements: meditations, sharings, exercises (that take place alone, with a partner or in a group), body work, shamanic rituals, creative expression and much more.

These are invitations - you always respect your boundaries and we do too!


For day / multi-day events: About a week after the event, I offer an "integration call". We meet via Zoom in a virtual room and have another sharing to facilitate integration into everyday life and to support eachother with any processes that may arise after the event.

What are the topics?

Here you will find a selection of event / workshop topics. 

The planned dates for your favorite topics are listed at the 



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a journey into the mystery

The unknown is where true possibilities can enter our lives.


Imagine being able to access and trust your intuition, even in the midst of chaos.


What if we could relax in not knowing?

Because we know that we will always remain connected to love?

If we allowed ourselves to live moment to moment and trust our intuition?

Where would the flow of life take us?


Maybe we can practice this?


Trust. Let go. Flow.


Just be.



DARK is a blindfolded meditative experience.



let's talk about...

I believe that we all assume, assume, assume, assume too much...

This is very often the reason for conflict, distance or lack of real intimacy in our lives.


Maybe talking is golden after all?

Especially when it comes to mutual understanding!


is gold,

when we express what's going on inside us,

if we really listen to each other

ask and feel.


It's about exchange, authenticity and transparency.

New perspectives, understanding, expanding horizons.

An open ear, heart and head.



Every evening of Talk.Love.Care. Series has a different theme.






Yes and no

Needs and limits

"Only if you also say NO can I trust your YES!"


Are you often too nice?


Do you pay more attention to the wants and needs of others than your own?


Do you find it difficult to make decisions?


How does a YES feel in your body?  And how a NO?


Do you have trouble saying NO and setting boundaries?


​We practice feeling and communicating our desires and boundaries together. We also explore consent in relation to touch and the concept of the "wheel of consent" by Dr. Betty Martin.


​Our experience is unlimited if we don't see borders as a wall but as a meeting point!​​​​​




Magic touch
The art of touch

Without contact we cannot survive in the long run. But it's more than a basic need - it's a language.  


Touching is more than skin on skin. Touching is an art!


Do you long for touch?


Do you often feel unfulfilled in your relationships when it comes to touch and physicality?


Do you often feel insecure in physical contact with others?


Do you sometimes prefer not to touch at all for fear that your touch will be misunderstood?


Or do you just want to learn more about this unique, universal language?  


This day brings more clarity and differentiation in the different types and qualities of touch. You become more aware of your needs. And you become more aware of what messages your touches send. Or how you send what you really want to say with your touch.


Let yourself be touched!






Full moon
new moon
Annual cycle


The ceremonies are always about setting an intention and connecting with the respective energies in order to let go of the old or to invite new things into our lives.

Coming together in a group and sharing with others make these rituals even more powerful.




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Being a woman.

  The power of the femine 

A day for people in female bodies who want to connect more with their bodies and strengthen their feminine power.



Are you ready for a deep journey into your femininity, held safely in a circle of sisters?

How connected are you to your body and the gift of being a woman?

Would you like to feel more comfortable in your body?

Do you want to use the different energies of your monthly and life cycle even better for yourself?

Would you like to feel more connected to other women?

Do you long for an open exchange with other women of different ages?

Also about taboo topics like blood, sexuality and menopause?


If your answer to one or more of these questions is YES, then this day is for you!



"The women who manage to transcend themselves are those who have the ability to set themselves free. Who don't demand their freedom but are able to set themselves free."

(Anais Nin)


Shadow and Light

"Whoever perceives his shadow and his light at the same time sees himself from two sides, and that puts him in the middle." (CGJung)


Hand on heart, who really gets on your nerves?


Are there people who make you feel bad?

Make you angry or just put you in a bad mood?


Do you sometimes feel that you have the same (failing) relationship over and over again?  


What if I tell you now that all of this has to do with yourself and not primarily with the people who trigger it in you?


Shadows are our unconscious, repressed personality aspects. Those parts of us that we don't like and therefore try to hide from others are suppressed energy. They hold parts of our strength and our potential. When we illuminate these aspects and bring them to consciousness, we also liberate the suppressed energy.


"The shadow is everything you are, but you definitely don't want to be" (CG Jung)


When we understand that what other people trigger in us has to do with ourselves - then it can do a lot:
Strength, self-confidence, an inner clarity and a happier life, because then we are in our own center.




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