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Here you can find my current events, campaigns and collaborations

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Valentine`s rEVOLution

January 14, 2025

7:30-11:30 p.m.
rote Fabrik, Neu Aubing



Anna& Sylvi are back!

Love was never gone!



After 2 years of successful rEVOLution on Valentine`s day, we are back with


music from DJ ANNA FAMARI


facilitation from SYLVI


lots of LOVE



and YOU?



No matter what form of Love is most present in your life right now,

if you come by yourself,

with one or more partner/s

or with friends...


...all of you is welcome here!




Conscious Date Night

January 22, 2025

7:30-10:30 p.m.
Stachus, exact address upon registration




New Year

New Luck



With the most beautiful way to date!


Or simply meet new people.


Conscious, honest and authentic.



How about if instead of pimped profiles and pictures,

meet real people consciously and presently?


If we already at the first meeting

share honestly and vulnerably and really listen to each other?


When we feel without masks,

whether we find the other person's vibes interesting and attractive ?




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Gentle Temple Munich



Dachau, genaue Adresse bei Anmeldung


Der GENTLE TEMPLE MUNICH ist eine spezielle Einladung an alle Menschen, die…

...selbst erfahren wollen was ein Tempel ist und vielleicht auch

…noch nie bei einem Tempel waren

…oder das Konzept „Temple“ mit dem beginners mind wieder neu entdecken möchten.

...die neugierig sind auf die Authentizitäts- und Begegnungs- Tools des Tempels


…die es gern langsam mögen.

…die das „sich selbst Spüren“ noch weiter üben und verfeinern möchten.

…die sich eine tiefere Intimität mit dem Leben selbst wünschen.

…die neugierig sind, in welche Tiefen sie ein bewusster und sensibler Raum führen kann.

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Equinox Temple Retreat


genaue Adresse bei Anmeldung



Imagine a little getaway, where you can recharge and be nourished.

A weekend retreat space with community that helps you remember and reclaim your inner balance, freedom and power.

Sounds good?


I am so much looking forward to this new co-creation with Ananda!


We are envisioning a space for deep dives right from the beginning,

so we would like everyone to be familiar with our language, consent groundwork

and tools to hold themselves in challenging times and to express upcoming emotions.


This is why the precondition to attend this weekend is that you already attended

a Temple with Sylvi Cares, Ananda Amit Angelo or an ISTA training.





ISTA Training in Berlin


Level 1 The Experience

July 4-11, 2025



If you also feel

that life has more in store for you,

that you are somehow always on the brakes,

that you want to get to know yourself better,

that there is a potential and a vitality slumbering within you that wants to be awakened,...


...then maybe this is a retreat for YOU!?


The training takes place near Berlin with private access) and is held in English by 3 experienced, international facilitators.


For more info check



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